Department of Wood Acceptance
The delivery of wood in the form of roundwood, as well as various waste products of the woodworking industry, is carried out by motor transport on the road entering directly to the work site.
At the initial stage of the technological cycle, the duties of the working staff include checking the conformity of the wood material shipped by the supplier with those stated in the shipping documents. At the same time, the type (breed) of wood delivered to the site is determined. Unloading of wood is carried out separately with its storage by species.
Before feeding the raw wood raw materials to the Wood Preparation Department, the staff uses moisture meters to determine the average moisture content of the wood before further forced drying in furnaces. The device simultaneously measures the temperature of the wood, as well as its density.
This information is necessary for operators controlling the drying and pyrolysis processes to correctly select the operating mode of the furnace, namely, to redistribute, if necessary, heat flows inside the furnace between the pyrolysis and drying chambers during the pyrolysis process.
If the moisture content of the wood does not exceed 40% (wt.), the roundwood can be unloaded from the vehicle directly onto the trestle of the Wood Preparation Department. If the humidity exceeds more than 40%, the wood is unloaded at the site and stored for a certain time until it arrives at the Wood Preparation Unit. During this time, the wood is pre-dried in natural storage conditions.